Saturday, September 6, 2008

CK surgery complete!

Aren't these just "smashing" glasses. My friend Jody Klotzle lent me these so I could see the song. I never had the silly 20+ pairs of reading glasses I own, when I needed them. This post is to say I got CK surgery. It took 6 minutes to actually accomplish the proceedure, but several hours of worrying time before. End of the story is, it's worked great, perhaps I should pass the good news to my friend, Jody or give her my 20+ pairs I don't need now. Annette -PS That cute boy to the right is Braiden from California, going to college there. That hairy arm to my left belongs to my "still cute husband" Ed! His ancestry comes from the Swiss Alps......what can I say.


Natalie said...

Hey what were you doing with my Aunt? :)

Annette Bahler said...

Hi Natalie!
If you have on of the "best" aunts have to share her!
love you, Annette