Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm pouting.......

I've finally got a few pictures to share!!! But alas, Ed is out of town with all my downloaded pictures on his lap top. Plus, you know, talking about the whole affair of India with Ed is being missed, little incidents that need massaged with more words. So thanks once again for being the friend in the night where I can type and be heard.

- Of course, it's almost 2:30 a.m. I am pretty sure I should be sleeping, but I can't figure out which space of time I am inhabiting yet.

I do know that I've left my normal stomach somewhere back in India. -O.K. so that's the last of my pouting.

It is enough to say... India has much to teach us.

I would like to share one little story before I fall asleep, that I am still pondering:

On an early morning walk with Ed, I glanced over to see a really bad smelling turned over trash bin, but also sitting beside it was a 20ish looking young man, I had seen so many beggars by this time, wasn't this just another one? I don't think so, this was different, he made no attempt to beg or even connect, he was just surrounded by a deep loneliness that I still can't shake. His stature lent to a thousand words, sermons I had not heard before. I thought I knew desolate, but his tired face gave it an entirely new meaning.
I scrambled my brain for a quick fix, you know, the kind America tries to force in a small span of time, because of the freedom we feel and the aboundant love (we should possess anyway). but all my heart was silence by this man that accepted no answers. There was a clear understanding of not being able to reach him in a land I'd never known,...... but he was so young, and actually attractive, I know, why should that matter, but possibilities that all of us seek at that age, plans, life, purpose. these thoughts were such a stark contrast to what this man didn't have. I just kept walking and hurt about the whole thing.
Clint explained later when I asked what could be done. He's an "untouchable" some Indians after being in the area with them are suppose to go and cleanse themselves in a temple. What?????
This man is to accept his lot, being born into it, if their parents were untouchables, then he would be, something about the orgins not being accepted if they are a mixed race. I had heard enough, a whole life wasted, what God given talents, never sought out, days full of no future. And this is where I leave it, for some reason, his sermon of silent mourning is still teaching me. It's my biggest lesson in India, not at all figured out yet, but still pondering. If nothing else the good Samaritans and Lazarus, and the beggar all became clearer in context.

Until later- hopefully when there's more time and pictures.

I intend to enjoy everyone elses amazing blogs. Thanks for all the stories of couples meeting, babies coming into the world and everyday life shared together! love you, Annette

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

just random pictures......

because Kait graduates in May (last picture) and basically we are going to Louisianna and then (yeah) India to see Clint and Alesa for the rest of April. I am up to my eyebrows- painting any awful spot I can't live without changing before I open my doors to a reception here. I really don't think people care, or will notice that I dug up four huge bushes, yesterday and moved them down the lane to hide an ugly transformer utility thing, but hey, it's an incentive.

I miss these guys a lot. They probably look more indianish now-
Ed's been out of town all week, so here's him. He hates "projects" so I better type fast and finish the bedroom one.
I said random---- this is my parents cutie wedding day"goodbye". I miss dad this spring.
here's to the girls, my sisters and sister-in-laws, minus MaryAnn. They just make me happy.
here's the gatuate --- Kait says you are all invited! May 24th! we stayed up till 1:30am
to finish these silly invites, well, there were four sides to the card. Yeah, we need a life.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The sad story

The photography seminar was a concentrated informational dump for mostly two hours for the first half session. It was all good but I was so tired from Colorado I toyed with leaving early. My mind started justifying all the reasons why I could. I am so glad I stayed. Here's what's up.

The speaker took us through inspirational footage after the "burn out" he was experiencing.
They shot just ordinary, kick back no pressure stuff with unique twists. Then he announced to the audience "if anyone is pregnant in the crowd, the next segment has some emotionally charged scenes you might not want to see." WHAT was coming........

An adorable photographer on the video, about 30ish starts her story how she got a call at the end of a busy day from the hospital. The couple wants her right away, they had seen her pictures all over the walls and loved her work. The photographer explained she had kids' obligations that evening but would come first thing tomorrow morning. The reply was "it would be too late." She took two assistance and went right away. Their newborn little boy, Cameron was dying. He looked perfectly healthy but if the tiny tubes were removed he would not live. They photographed the baby with the couple for all the shots they could think of for 25 minutes. The photographer was aware of the fact that if she stopped the little one's time would be over. What a thought. Knowing she was finished, she left the two alone and would come back. They wanted pictures saying goodbye to their son, the last moments after he died.
They waited forty-five minutes until a nurse came out with the reddest puffest eyes and knew Cameron had indeed died, as they entered the room the peace that surrounded them was amazing. All other pictures before didn't compare to the beauty of love and acceptance with death that these gentle passionate pictures and moments held.

The photographer knew they could only give this as a gift from their hearts. They put together a cd for them. When the couple came back for the pictures, the event became real again, they could tangibly hold a picture and see Camon for a healing, for some healing. These ladies realized that a lot of other children didn't have this last memory in beautiful pictures and decided to call a new organization "now I lay me down to sleep." honestly, I can't say that name without tearing up. I can't imagine going through this sad goodbye as a couple.

The web site is I haven't checked it out yet. I was just getting my tea, (comfort drink) and going to the sight. I got a call today from a new mom, Ericka Gerber's little Quinn for newborn pictures. I wanted to tell her to hold him so tight and celebrate his little breathes of life, you know, but of course I didn't. She was celebrating him without saddness. So that's why I blogged about it,..... thanks. I am considering doing this if there's a partner in the area that we could share availability with. Kait said she was in. Probably all you med professionals out there deal with much more than this on a daily basis, but it's still tender.
glad to be home, Annette