Thursday, September 18, 2008

John and Marla

This was a cute, beautiful family I got to know.

... yet another surgery!

it's been 3 weeks now since the actual break and surgery and brace. I can't seem to be able
to even get Kurt to keep his brace on. His words were "I already fell and landed with my arm up" ummm, I hope that works for him. It was a soccer injury again.
this little picture is for Jenny, can you see the countertop around my chocolate cheese cake that I absolutely love to make? I would have put a "countertop only" picture, but I thought it looked too scary. -Never mind that the sample was not anything like the granite that actually came. I say the countertop found me, it's a little crazy- wild but a nice accent.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

CK surgery complete!

Aren't these just "smashing" glasses. My friend Jody Klotzle lent me these so I could see the song. I never had the silly 20+ pairs of reading glasses I own, when I needed them. This post is to say I got CK surgery. It took 6 minutes to actually accomplish the proceedure, but several hours of worrying time before. End of the story is, it's worked great, perhaps I should pass the good news to my friend, Jody or give her my 20+ pairs I don't need now. Annette -PS That cute boy to the right is Braiden from California, going to college there. That hairy arm to my left belongs to my "still cute husband" Ed! His ancestry comes from the Swiss Alps......what can I say.

Friday, September 5, 2008

just saying......

Checking in tonight to say, my blog has been stiff lately. Sorry

Soooo, here is my tonight happenings - Ed and I went out (about 8:30pm) to catch a bite at "Red Seven" it's a place in Lafayette that gets the community feel pretty well. I can't say I measured up to a stellar date. I was pouty and quiet. Why???? I felt jilted a bit. Yes, that high maintanace stuff again. Ed really hung in there though, past his patience. He tried all kinds of opening lines that I let fall with no energy back. He told me I looked great..... I didn't care what he thought.
All said, I just hadn't had any time with him, enough time to feel like a team anyway. We set
some focus/vision stuff for the fall and more talk and tadaaa~...... relationships just take time.
You would think after about 30 years we'ld have it covered. Nope.

We went on the walking bridge after our talk and found a whole church "outreach" with a small band singing on the bridge. They were talented singers, but the amps were way too loud and it smashed the sound.... very unfortunate. We walked past as we were hit by three or four people with "are we Christians?" question

-What do you think? Ummmm, I listened to the comments of other people passing by, it wasn't favorable. I felt bad for the whole situation, especially the small bands of people in prayer circles. It was too in your face and yet their hearts seemed right. We need to reach souls for Christ, but how? -or maybe they were on?

It made us tired and we went home.
So this is my straight talk for the night instead of stiff stuff.

good night all, Annette

Seniors Pave the way!


Alyson~ We've hit the streets of Lafayette........and had fun!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

can you believe it ..... I'm back

This is a tribute to Jeff, Gretchen and Joah.....
They have just moved to IL -and we miss them so much already

I know where ever they go, they will be an incredible asset. God Bless you!