---some quotes starting out with thoughts of adopting:
Kurt- "are you crazy, we already have six kids, .......and why another girl"
Ash- "I just think every Christian home, that can, should adopt"
Andria- "I can't take it serious ...until it's more real, so I am not disappointed if she doesn't really come."
Ed- "I need some time with this" ......"I need more time" ......."this feels very unknown"
Clint- "Mom, that's great, she is sooo cute, so dad's finally letting you adopt?"
My sister Joyce- "are you sure you won't find another one when you are over in China, I think you need two."
Alan (exchange student)- that's awesome, man! ....are you sure you are taking this seriously?
Kait- "mom, this is a big deal!"
Jenny- "Oh mom, I am just going to be quiet about this, I don't know what to think."
......this was a very small sampling of all the conversations over the last seven months..... I love the honesty and grace my family has shared over this time.
For myself, I am mostly tripping over prayer that seems to be hidden by bigger fears in front of it. But eventually I found more quiet time and soul searching. There wasn't a huge pull or slamming conviction which way to go. In the end, I imagined the faces of my grandkids, in an orphanage, I broke down and really bonded with the little girl, growing into an adolescent and simply couldn't leave her behind, no matter what. Ed has come in and out of conviction over time, it's just hard to move ahead on something so distant and not able to calulate. He is leaning on my gift of relationship/connecting heart with this one.
Mia hasn't even arrived, yet she definitely has changed me already. So the journey begins......
and here are some follow up quotes that might bring a smile:
Kurt: "I think I am open to this now, I think we may have a chance to reach her" (spiritually)- this was after an amazing retreat he attended.
Ash: "I think it might be really hard, but I still think we should do this work"
Andria: "I am really getting excited about Mia, I just had a feeling she would really be yours."
Clint: "So, when is she coming, what's new with Mia?"
Alan: "I see after ALL this months of paperwork and more paperwork, you are serious."
Kait: " I am excited to try and connect with her."
Jenny: "Mom, you have tried to support my dreams, I want to be there for yours"
Ed: "She is going to need a dad..... I can't imagine what she must be feeling, finding out someone wants her, finally." (when she received our pictures and a gift we sent.)
So, with no further details but a lot of joy sharing with all of you, ....
here is Mia, she just turned 12. We plan to travel to China the first of June to welcome our new daughter!
God bless, Annette