grandpa bonding time.
Eating at the "Top" in Gainsville.
Luca creating his own white sandy beach of sugar.
This is my story entry called "Luca Love"......
It all started with Luca not owning the right match box cars at the little play yard at Haile, evident by the real tears he was sporting when he had to give back the cars to the rightful owner and head home. Jenny was the tough love mom and looked at me like "get a life". I guess I have graduated to the soft grandma heart. Jen and Luke proceeded to take their jog workout while I babysat the sad Luca, now sadder because mom and dad just dissapeared out the front door. It was time to introduce myself as no ordinary grandma indeed!!! tada, I remembered we just bought a train table, complete with trains and tracks and bridges, you get the idea. We oohed and ahhed together as we cut open the package of boxes and plastic wrapped wonder of the train world. Yes, I was rating higher by the minute. Time for my shower break, I had just jogged before my Luca shift. Surely he would be content with all this new stuff, and honestly I didn't know I was suppose to throw the lock on the front door for Luca's easy exit plan. So my story ends in suds, and a frantic grandma wrapped in a towel, running out the door, calling Luca back in the condo from his successful bolt just at the right moment before my shampoo rinse. I must have been more commanding than a scary looking godzilla suds monster, because he did run back in with me.... and we did laugh about it....later. I am most thankful their front door bangs really loud. love you, Luca, your capable babysitter,